Authorize customer groups to grant access to specific CMS pages. Create private CMS pages. Good for the shop owners who want to display some special pages only to a special audience.
This module allows you to authorize specific customer groups to specific CMS pages.
If you go to the module's configuration page to edit, you'll see a Group Access Table at the bottom.
You can select customer groups to grant access to the regarding CMS page. But if you don't mark any customer groups, that CMS page will be open to all customer groups.
From the configuration menu, you can set a redirection link for the ones who are not authorized for specific CMS pages.
De module die je hebt gekocht, kan worden gedownload vanaf je "Mijn Account"-pagina onder het tabblad "Mijn Downloads", of vanaf de bestelgegevenspagina onder de link van de modulebeschrijving van de bestelling. Je ontvangt ook een e-mailmelding met de link naar het bestand en instructies zodra je bestelling is bevestigd.