EU Cookie Law Notification Box Module
This module adds an elegant notification box at the bottom of the website, which when closed will remember the choice for further visits.
Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Änderungen zu speichern, damit Sie den Artikel in den Warenkorb legen könnenKeine Kreditkartendetails. Mehrfachauthentifizierung nach EU-PSD2.
45 Tage Rückgaberecht/Vollrückerstattung. Lebenslange Unterstützung, Sicherheitsupdates.
Wir sind seit 2007 Superhelden-Verkäufer im Offiziellen Prestashop Addons Store.
Due to the EU Cookie Directive that came into force in May 2012, any site that uses cookies, and assumes consent to drop these cookies, will need a notification on the site to inform the visitor that cookies are used, linking to a page that can give more information on how to remove them.
You can see a sample information page here:
Usually we just disable all unnecessary cookies so there is no need for this, but if you are using unnecessary cookies you will need to add a suitable notification. This module adds an elegant notification box at the bottom of the website, which when closed will remember the choice for further visits.
The module has been coded based on the free work on
- Multilangual message option
- No need to play with CSS file, configurable from the backoffice
- Background color, opacity, height values are adjustable
- Multilangual configuration (You can select different settings for each languages of your shop)
- Cookie expiration time is configurable in minutes (Default 60 minutes)
- Close action is animated
- Display options are available: only on the homepage/all pages
Technische Daten
- Kompatibilität
- Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8 - Verfügbare Modulübersetzungen
- Englisch
- Front-Office-Demo
- Ja
- Backoffice-Demo
- Ja
- Version
- v3.2.1