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Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles

Artikel-Nr. : 43615

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Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles
  • Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles

Customer Testimonials with Anonymous Profiles

49,99 €
zzgl. MwSt.

Let your loyal customers leave you video supported testimonials (optional) with anonymous profile pictures, manage and display the testimonials in an elegant carousel slider and on a separate testimonial page.

  • max. 250 Zeichen
Sofort nach Zahlung herunterladen


Keine Kreditkartendetails. Mehrfachauthentifizierung nach EU-PSD2.

  Rückgabe- und Supportrichtlinie

45 Tage Rückgaberecht/Vollrückerstattung. Lebenslange Unterstützung, Sicherheitsupdates.

  Zertifizierter Prestashop Addons Verkäufer

Wir sind seit 2007 Superhelden-Verkäufer im Offiziellen Prestashop Addons Store.

Build trust upon customers.

Get and use good feedback to gain customers and increase loyalty.

According to experts, the best testimonials are video supported ones and with this module, you can add Youtube hosted testimonial videos as well.

The customer testimonials module:
  • Adds a testimonial carousel on the homepage,
  • Adds a column carousel on the pages having columns,
  • Adds a separate testimonials page listing all testimonials,
  • Adds links to the account pages for the customers/visitors to allow them to leave testimonials.
  • Video support is also available for the testimonials having Youtube video links. A "Play" button emerges for video supported testimonials (NEW).
The module is protected with the latest Google reCAPTCHA v3.
The profile pictures are anonymous based on the gender specified. They are randomly assigned to the testimonials each time the page is refreshed.
The testimonials are stored in the Backoffice and they can be managed/deleted/edited from the module configuration page.
The unread testimonials are notified in the Backoffice dashboard. Whenever a new testimonial is submitted, an automatic notification mail is also sent to the shop owner.
The module is fully responsive. Have fun by building trust and attracting more customers by using this module.

Technische Daten

Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8
Verfügbare Modulübersetzungen

Besondere Bestellnummern

Kompatibilität Kompatibilität
Prestashop 1.5 Prestashop 1.6 Prestashop 1.7 Prestashop 8 Thirtybees
Übersetzungen verfügbar Übersetzungen
Demoseite Demoseite
demo@demo.com - demodemo
Entwickler Entwickler
MEG Venture MEG Venture
Kommentare (1)