Put a redirection button to your product pages. Good for reference, availability check and additional information.
This module allows you to put a button just below the add to cart button.
This button can be used to redirect the customer to a reference link, availability check link, addtional information page, etc.
The button is optional and can be used with/without the existence of the 'Add to Cart' button if desired.
Customer can reach to additional information quickly and easily by clicking a button. Ease of navigation and SEO friendliness is provided.
Release Note v.3.0 (18/07/2014)
Release Note v.3.2.1 (06/09/2020)
Release Note v.3.2.2 (23/01/2021)
Release Note v.3.2.3 (06/04/2021)
Data sheet
The module you have purchased can be downloaded from your "My Account" page under the "My Downloads" tab, or from the order details page under the module description link of the order. You will also receive a notification email providing the link of the file to be downloaded and regarding instructions once your order is confirmed.