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Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)

Referenza : 8754

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Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)
  • Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)

Audio Player Pro Module (Supports Autoresume)

49,99 €
Tasse escluse

Professional Audio Player, plays mp3 file(s), playlists, continuous play while navigating.

  • Max. 250 caratteri
Scarica Subito Dopo il Pagamento

  Politica di sicurezza

Non vediamo dettagli carta. Autenticazione multipla, PSD2 UE.

  Politica di Reso e Supporto

45 days right of return/full refund. Lifetime support, security updates and feature upgrades.

  Venditore Certificato di Addons Prestashop

Siamo un Venditore Supereroe nel Negozio Ufficiale di Addons Prestashop dal 2007.

Prestashop Official Forum Support

  • You can play background music without disruption on page changes.
  • You can publish voice supported files or product descriptions on your website.
  • You can increase your sales instead of forcing the customers to read long texts.
  • You can announce voice supported promotions or ads.


  • Use music files that triggers customer's purchasing desires
  • Plays music, album, playlist, welcome speech
  • Colorizes your online shop
  • Differentiate your website from other stationary examples
  • Make your website rehabilitating
  • Customers shop accompanying rhymeful sounds and music
  • The width and height of the player is configurable
  • Multiple display options (mini, small, normal, etc)
  • Fully customizable,
  • Continuous Play while navigating pages (autoresume)
  • Remembers the settings of the visitor like repeat, mute, shuffle, etc.
  • Single Mp3 file or playlists can be played
  • Professionally designed Back Office Management
  • Color Scheme Options, Player Options available
  • Built-in color selection (picker) applet
  • Volume Control
  • Counter
  • Autostart
  • Repeat
  • Album cover picture display option
  • Initial Volume
  • Buffer Time
  • Autoload (songs are loaded in the background once the page is opened)
  • Bottom controls (shuffle, repeat) display is optional
  • Playlist area
  • No continue option
  • Starting track can be chosen
  • Example player display settings supported with pictures and instructions
  • Hooks available: Top of the page, Left/Right Columns, Footer, Product Footer, Homepage center
Suggestion to create preview mp3 files for free:

Scheda tecnica

Prestashop 1.4
Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Traduzioni del Modulo Disponibili
Dimostrazione del Front-Office
Dimostrazione del Backoffice

Riferimenti Specifici

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