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Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons

Referenza : 46505

Gentile Visitatore,
Se vuoi ricevere il miglior prezzo per il prodotto sopra, ti preghiamo di compilare i campi vuoti sottostanti.

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* indica i campi obbligatori

Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons
  • Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons

Back to Top or Scroll to Bottom Buttons

39,99 €
Tasse escluse

Add a Back-to-Top or Scroll-to-Bottom button to your front office and backoffice. Fully customizable.

Scarica Subito Dopo il Pagamento

  Politica di sicurezza

Non vediamo dettagli carta. Autenticazione multipla, PSD2 UE.

  Politica di Reso e Supporto

45 days right of return/full refund. Lifetime support, security updates and feature upgrades.

  Venditore Certificato di Addons Prestashop

Siamo un Venditore Supereroe nel Negozio Ufficiale di Addons Prestashop dal 2007.

Benefits to Merchants:

  • Easy navigation
  • Increase functionality on your e-shop


  • Fully customizable
  • Enable/Disable Front Office Back-To-Top Button
  • Enable/Disable Back Office Back-To-Top Button
  • Back to top button can run in CSS or jQuery mode
  • Enable/Disable Front Office Scroll-To-Bottom Button
  • Enable/Disable Back Office Scroll-To-Bottom Button
  • Change the background color of buttons
  • Change the arrow (internal) color of buttons
  • Five types of animation on the button display/disappear (none, spin, spin-inverse, fade, zoom) for the back to top button
  • Height and width of the buttons are customizable
  • Distance from the edges of the page is customizable
  • Buttons can be animated for slide effect. Scroll time is customizable.
  • The level of the buttons layer is customizable
  • Button form selection (Jquery or CSS) is optional

Customers can navigate within the page vertically and easily.


Scheda tecnica

Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8
Traduzioni del Modulo Disponibili
Dimostrazione del Front-Office
Dimostrazione del Backoffice

Riferimenti Specifici

Compatibilità Compatibilità
Prestashop 1.5 Prestashop 1.6 Prestashop 1.7 Prestashop 8 Thirtybees
Traduzioni disponibili Traduzioni
Pagina dimostrativa Pagina dimostrativa - demodemo
Sviluppatore Sviluppatore
MEG Venture MEG Venture
Commenti (1)