Adds a reciprocal calculator applet to the product pages to calculate the required cartoon units, box units, etc. in terms of area/surface/volume and much more.
You sell your products in cartoons, or in box, etc. and those order units consist specific surface/area/volume in the total. If your customers have difficulty to decide how many box or cartoons to purchase, then they can use this applet.
With the help of this module, a new converison field will be created on your product pages upon your choice.
Using this new input field, customers will easily be able to calculate required order unit.
Customers can increase/decrease the order unit, or the surface value. Doesn't matter! Both fields (surface/area/volume and order quantity) will be calculated according to the conversion rate you determined from the backoffice.
Minimum and maximum values for the surface field can be set.
Step values can be set.
You can use the applet only for selected products of your choice.
Change Log:
26.02.2023 v1.4.3
14.06.2022 v1.4.2
25.04.2020 v1.4.1
13.12.2014 v1.2
18.07.2014 v1.1
De module die je hebt gekocht, kan worden gedownload vanaf je "Mijn Account"-pagina onder het tabblad "Mijn Downloads", of vanaf de bestelgegevenspagina onder de link van de modulebeschrijving van de bestelling. Je ontvangt ook een e-mailmelding met de link naar het bestand en instructies zodra je bestelling is bevestigd.