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Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module

Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module

Referentie : 30129

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Prestashop Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module
  • Prestashop Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module
  • Prestashop Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module
  • Prestashop Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module
  • Prestashop Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module
  • Prestashop Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module

Smart HepsiBurada.com Integration Module

€ 49,99
Geen btw

This module provides synchronization of your selected categories, products, quantities and prices with your hepsiburada.com shop.

Direct Downloaden Na Betaling

* Als deze prijs niet betaalbaar is, aarzel dan niet om ons uw aanbod te doen

If you have an online HepsiBurada shop:

  • Mass Product Management for HepsiBurada is possible
  • You will be able to synchronize/update your HepsiBurada products easily and in a couple clicks
  • You will be able to enable/disable HepsiBurada products by setting Prestashop product attributes
  • You can export your desired categories to upload to HepsiBurada
  • You can export active products or all products to HepsiBurada
  • You can export selected language to HepsiBurada
  • You can adjust your HepsiBurada prices by multiplying your Prestashop cost price with a rate (For example; you can add a 20% profit for your HepsiBurada prices)
  • Picture and video aided instructions for the synchronization is available


  • CSV export in HepsiBurada mass product update format
  • Step by step mass product management is available
  • Language selection
  • Active or all products selection
  • Product categories selection
  • Price multiplier is available (you can adjust your HepsiBurada prices by using a price multiplier rate upon your cost price)
  • Custom shipping carrier can be set
  • Custom shipping preparation time can be set
  • Maximum purchasable quantity can be set for all products
  • If you have customized fields for your products, you can set the field's type and allowed length


To be able to use this module, you should possess an HepsiBurada store and your products should be listed on HepsiBurada.


With the module, you will be able to generate CSV files to be uploaded to your HepsiBurada merchant center. The CSV files can be edited with third party tools such as MS Excel or Notepad++



Prestashop 1.6
Prestashop 1.7
Prestashop 8
Beschikbare Module Vertalingen
Front-Office Demonstratie
Backoffice Demonstratie
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  • Hoe kan ik mijn module downloaden?

    De module die je hebt gekocht, kan worden gedownload vanaf je "Mijn Account"-pagina onder het tabblad "Mijn Downloads", of vanaf de bestelgegevenspagina onder de link van de modulebeschrijving van de bestelling. Je ontvangt ook een e-mailmelding met de link naar het bestand en instructies zodra je bestelling is bevestigd.