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Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules
Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules


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Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules
  • Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules

Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules

Prestashop announced a security vulnerability for the shop owners on 7 Jan.2020. You can hire us to take the required precautions and apply the fix which Prestashop released.

Please go to the DOWNLOAD tab to get the module zip file

  Politica di sicurezza

Non vediamo dettagli carta. Autenticazione multipla, PSD2 UE.

  Politica di Reso e Supporto

45 days right of return/full refund. Lifetime support, security updates and feature upgrades.

  Venditore Certificato di Addons Prestashop

Siamo un Venditore Supereroe nel Negozio Ufficiale di Addons Prestashop dal 2007.

Based on Prestashop's announcement on 7 Jan. 2020, there is a vulnerability on Prestashop websites. The announcement of Prestashop is below.

If you think that you need professional assistance to the the right precautions, please contact us.

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