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Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules

Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules


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Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules
  • Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules

Hire us to Fix Critical Security Vulnerability in PrestaShop Modules

Prestashop announced a security vulnerability for the shop owners on 7 Jan.2020. You can hire us to take the required precautions and apply the fix which Prestashop released.

Por favor, vá para o separador DOWNLOAD para obter o ficheiro zip do módulo

* Se este preço não for acessível, sinta-se à vontade para nos fazer uma oferta

Based on Prestashop's announcement on 7 Jan. 2020, there is a vulnerability on Prestashop websites. The announcement of Prestashop is below.


If you think that you need professional assistance to the the right precautions, please contact us.


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