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Get rid of spam bot mails on Prestashop

Get rid of spam bot mails on Prestashop


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Get rid of spam bot mail for Prestashop
  • Get rid of spam bot mail for Prestashop

Get rid of spam bot mails on Prestashop

Prestashop announced a spamming issue on Apr. 25, 2019. Patches are released, recapcthas are used, but no way. If you need a permanent solution based on your case, contact us.

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Based on Prestashop's announcement on 16 March, 2018 and 25 April 2019, that there is spamming vulnerability on Prestashop websites. The announcements of Prestashop are below.

You have used reCAPTCHA, you applied patches, but no solution at all. This is because you need professional assistance based on your case. Spamming problems change site to site, several solutions should be tried out to find the right one.

If you think that you need professional assistance with the right precautions, please contact us.

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  • Come posso scaricare il mio modulo?

    Il modulo che hai acquistato può essere scaricato dalla pagina "Il Mio Account" nella scheda "I Miei Download" o dalla pagina dei dettagli dell'ordine sotto il link di descrizione del modulo dell'ordine. Riceverai anche un'email di notifica con il link per scaricare il file e le istruzioni una volta confermato l'ordine.