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Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module

Referenza : 20224

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Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
  • Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
  • Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
  • Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
  • Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
  • Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module
  • Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module

Gift Card / Coupon / Banner Showcase for Products Module

29,99 €
Tasse escluse

With this module, you can offer product page showcase for free gift cards / coupons along with selected products. You can even add sticker banners on selected products listed on product listing pages.

  • Max. 250 caratteri
Scarica Subito Dopo il Pagamento

  Politica di sicurezza

Non vediamo dettagli carta. Autenticazione multipla, PSD2 UE.

  Politica di Reso e Supporto

45 days right of return/full refund. Lifetime support, security updates and feature upgrades.

  Venditore Certificato di Addons Prestashop

Siamo un Venditore Supereroe nel Negozio Ufficiale di Addons Prestashop dal 2007.

Prestashop Official Forum Support What does this module do for you?

  • Build customer loyalty
  • Attract more satisfied customers
  • Encourage visitors to buy your products
  • Improve product page showcase with visible gift card/coupons offered


  • One page configuration
  • Ability to apply the gift card / coupon image to selected products
  • Ability to apply banner to selected products
  • Custom gift card / coupon image above the product price
  • All fields and texts on gift card / coupon / banner are customizable
  • Custom background and text colors for gift card / coupon / banner
  • Three position options for the banner (top, middle, bottom)
  • Mass modification option for all products
  • Simulated preview for the gift card / coupon / banner in the backoffice for each product separately
  • Ability to modify (add/remove) product names all at once, to be able to add gift card information

Scheda tecnica

Prestashop 1.4
Prestashop 1.5
Prestashop 1.6
Traduzioni del Modulo Disponibili
Dimostrazione del Front-Office
Dimostrazione del Backoffice

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